
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Scarred Rock

The Scarred Rock has been in RavenClan Camp since before anyone can remember. The rock also looks exactly as it sounds. The lines on the rock are rough and jagged, and a single burn mark runs down at a diagnol towards the end of the rock. Some of the elders say that the rock was hit by lightning, but no one belives this story to be true.

Moderator: xxdarky.

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No New Posts Auburnstar's Den

Under the Scarred Rock, there is a dip in the ground, The rock curves upward where the dip begins, and the hole widens into a larve cave. The sides are lined with dirt and tufts of brown grass. The rock is perfectly stable, and under no conditions will it fall. The ground is soft dirt with a couple of moss-covered rocks in a few corners of the cave.

Moderator: xxdarky.

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No New Posts Medicine Cat's Den

Directly to the right of Auburnstar's den is a large clump of bushes filled with an assortment of berries and medical herbs. The herbs and berries are all stored neatly on branches in the bushes, each of the branches' leaves pulled away. This is the medicine cat's den, with an assortment of moss beds for the sick, and one in the far corner for the medicine cat.

Moderator: xxdarky.

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No New Posts Warrior's Den

The den in which all the RavenClan warriors sleep is located a little ways off from the Medicine Cats Den on the edge of the camp. A fallen tree's branches provided a nice skeleton for the den, and so with a few modifications and some leaves laid over to create a roof, the den took shape. It is spacious enough for the warriors, but get to many and it might start to get overcrowded.

Moderator: xxdarky.

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No New Posts Apprentice's Den

The apprentice's den in RavenClan camp is located to the right of the medicine cats den. It is made up of larsh bushes and bracken that have grown around it and over the small hollow area inside. It has a good roof that keeps rain away and is actually quite spacious. There shouldn't be any crowding.

Moderator: xxdarky.

2 3 Religious Tits
by Anonymous
Apr 14, 2009 20:42:34 GMT -5
No New Posts Elder's Den

The elders den rests away from most of the other dens in the camp. It's kind of off in its own corner, located right inbetween two pine trees. The trees provide good shade on those hot days and there is also a small pool of water that collects up after it rains. It's a very nice place to sit, or lay, and relax.

Moderator: xxdarky.

1 1 runescape gold
by rs gold
Jun 17, 2008 3:45:35 GMT -5
No New Posts Nursery

The RavenClan Nursery is located right next to the Medicine Cats Den. It was planned on purpose this way, and is a small cave-like structure in the earth. It's like a burrow that a fox or a badger would dig, only the clan cats dug this one. It goes deep into the earth and the ground is made up of soft dirt. It can get pretty stuffy in there in the green-leaf, but in leaf-bare, it's probably the warmest place in all of RavenClan territory.

Moderator: xxdarky.

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RavenClan Camp

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RavenClan Camp
RavenClan's camp is probably one of the only places that allows sunlight into their territory, except maybe the River, which lets light in. Anyway, the camp is in a large clearing that dips down into the earth with tall, magnificent pine trees surrounding it and protecting it. There is lots of plant-life surrounding the edges of the camp, making it almost impossible to find it if you aren't looking. There is one lone tree that stands in the middle of the territory, the pine tree that rests right behind the scarred rock. Its branches and needles provide good shade on those burning hot days.
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